Monday, February 22, 2016

Post VD

Hello Everyone,

Posting a fun little video about what I did on Valentine's Day. My girlfriend, Becky, and I went to a friend's house to watch the premier of The Walking Dead's 2nd half of the season.

I do an update on my dynasty football leagues and show off a new trophy. I also show off my Purple Teddy.

This is probably going to be the only 'cooking' video blog I'll do, so enjoy.

Thanks for watching. I'd love to see what you got to say. Leave a comment down below. Let's have a conversation!

Until next time...Stay out of trouble and do something that brings Joy to your life!


Feel free to follow me on Twitter @richhavlik

Monday, February 8, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It Ain't Easy Being Rich: First Video Blog...Highway 61 Experiment

It Ain't Easy Being Rich: First Video Blog...Highway 61 Experiment: Hello Everyone, Guess who got a camcorder for Christmas? Yep, me! So, what was the first thing I did with it? I recorded myself Geo...

First Video Blog...Highway 61 Experiment

Hello Everyone,

Guess who got a camcorder for Christmas? Yep, me!

So, what was the first thing I did with it? I recorded myself Geocaching. Not any geocaching adventure, I had a plan in mind.

One of the main reasons I started this blog was because I have set a major goal; Drive and Geocache Route 66. Well, I wanted to see what it might look like this Fall when I geocache Route 66 so I used Highway 61 as a test run.

This highway in Minnesota use to be the main route to Duluth, Minnesota from the Twin Cities. Highway 61 is nowhere close to being as iconic as Route 66, but I wanted to experiment on what it might look like in September. How many geocaches can I find in a day? How many miles can I travel in a day? 

Below is the video blog I put together. After you watch it, read on and I'll talk about some differences I foresee and some lessons I did learn. I know it's my 1st video I ever put together, so please be understanding. I plan and making improvements in the future. Enjoy.

Hoped you liked it. So what are some differences in that experience versus what it'll be like when I drive the Mother Road (aka Route 66)?

I am going in the Fall and not in Winter. Jumping out of the van to quickly look for geocaches will be a bit faster. I might be able to find more in one day than 30 that day.

There is going to be other places to visit besides geocaches...vintage gas stations, museums, tourist traps, ghost towns, greasy spoons for meals, well known hotels/motels to stay at, plenty of places to take photographs, people to talk to, city attractions, and numerous other stops. 

Also, I will not totally be going solo. The first half of my vacation I will be by myself. When I hit St. Louis, my girlfriend, Becky, will be flying in and joining me for the second half of the trip. Geocaching will run a little smoother with her there. She can do some of the driving to the geocaching locations where I'll be able to hop out and quickly find the container. This will help save some time.

So, here are some things I did learn....

I have list of 414 geocaches, within a reasonable distance, along Route 66. I am going to have to trim that number down quite a bit. I am going to cut out any geocaches that are in the major cities like Chicago and St. Louis (unless they have a lot of favorite points). 

Side note...On, premium members get to give geocaches 'favorite points' for caches they really enjoyed finding.

I am also going to eliminate any geocaches that have zero favorite points, unless they are somehow Route 66 related.

One thing I keep reading, when I am researching Route 66, is that most people will tell you not to set a iron clad schedule. There might some days I decided not to geocache at all and enjoy the ride and enjoy the sites.

Lastly, I don't know if you noticed, but I am going to need to go to a store like Duluth Trading Post and purchase some extra long t-shirts.

UPDATE: Been almost a week since I quit smoking and drinking pop. Been tough, especially at work and when I am driving in my van, but I am hanging in there.

One thing I have noticed is that I have been getting better sleep. My caffeine intake has drastically dropped and I think the sleep I have been getting has been a deeper sleep than usual. Been waking up more refreshed than ever before.

That's it for now. I'll keep you updated on how things go as I make changes.

Feel free to leave a comment down below. I'd love to hear what you think.

Until next time, stay out of trouble
