Hello Everyone,
Well my first goal, to start working out, is going slow which I admit. It is so easy to find excuses not to go or not to push myself. Most of the excuses are are just mind games my 'lazy-butt' part of my personality comes up with. We all have those inner voices.
Then I saw a post my son put on Facebook.
The post basically asked people to explain how they accomplished their goals and how do they defeat the Neigh Sayers in their lives. He never really got a real response. The comments people posted was more of the 'You can do it!' or 'Be your own cheerleader.' variety.
So, how would I answer my son....
First, I will freely admit that the biggest Neigh Sayer in my life are my own thoughts. It's the thoughts that get implanted after you hear it and believe it even though it is some kind of lie.
I am not saying that you can't accomplish your goals or that I can't accomplish my goals. What I am saying is that during the course of our lives we run into people (family, friends, co-workers, etc...) and we hear something that seems true, but isn't, but for some reason we believe the negativity. Those negativities become weights in our process.
Want to try to jump some hurdles? Try jumping with an extra 10 or 20 pounds of negativity. It makes it seems impossible with that extra burden.
So what do we do about it? How do we shrug off the extra loaded weight?
The only thing I can think of is that we got to change our way of thinking. We have to somehow get rid of the Inner Neigh-Sayer. That voice that repeats the lies we allowed into our lives.
Sounds easy? It won't be. We are so use to carrying that extra weight that we gave up on even trying to jump a hurdle. It's always easier to keep doing the same-old thing.
How do we change the lazy-butt voices in our heads?
One, we got to take a moment and realize a couple of truths. One of those truths is this; we repeat the same behavior over and over again because we get something from it. So, take a long moment and analyze a behavior of yours and figure out what you are getting from it and ask questions; 'What am I getting from this?', 'Is this a result from believing a lie?', 'Do I really want to continue this?', and so on.
Challenge yourself. Even if you have to go to a dark place to do so. You might feel like crap while doing this, but at least you can start bringing some lies into the light and start replacing them with truths.
Another truth to believe is that we should not be afraid of those dark places. We all have been so conditioned to avoid pain and sadness and displeasure that we forget that those feelings are part of our human experience. We may not like feeling those ways, but for true healing and change, those places need to be experienced.
I remember being told once that once I get into a position that is normally avoided, was that I was to sit in it. Soak in it. Let it fill up the pores of my body. Basically, experience it. Then there will come a point where one makes a decision, a good and healthy decision, to get out and learn to deal with it.
Another truth is that we don't have concur all our goals all at once. Our society is face paced as it is. Technology is changing the ways we live our lives yearly if not monthly. Everything seems to be moving at a faster rate year after year, new technology after new technology. Have you seen this latest generation with the latest devices? How it's has changed our ways of interacting?
I remember hearing from a seminar a couple of decades ago, and that person was talking about how to reach your goals even if life is super busy; which it is. Even if you accomplish 1% of your goal on a regular basis, you will see results. Be patient with yourself. And I would like to add, Enjoy the Ride.
So now that I started working out, how is it going besides 'slow'?
It may sound lukewarm but...so far so good. Along with trying to work out 2 times a week, I am also working on not accepting excuses not to work out.
I also weighted myself for the first time in a very long time. And yes, I do weight more now than I ever have. A whopping 304 pounds. Also included a 'before' picture. Something to compare to in the future.
The hurdles, over time in this area, seem mounting and difficult to overcome. But, I am now seeing that, that is just a lie.
Very well written and so true! It's easy to believe the negativity from everyone but most importantly myself. Thank you for keeping me in check and being accountable for my OWN actions.